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anxiety etc

См. также в других словарях:

  • Anxiety —    Anxiety and phobic thinking may be normal emotions, distinct clusters of symptoms ( syndromes *), or diseases in the sense of distinct illness entities.    In psychoanalysis, anxiety is used as a theoretical term, the presumed unconscious… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • Anxiety and Phobias —    Anxiety and phobic thinking may be normal emotions, distinct clusters of symptoms ( syndromes *), or diseases in the sense of distinct illness entities.    In psychoanalysis, anxiety is used as a theoretical term, the presumed unconscious… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • anxiety — [aŋ zī′ə tē] n. pl. anxieties [L anxietas < anxius, ANXIOUS] 1. a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event 2. Psychiatry an abnormal state like this, characterized by a… …   English World dictionary

  • Anxiety — For other uses, see Anxiety (disambiguation). Anxiety A marble bust of the Roman Emperor Decius from the Capitoline Museum. This portrait conveys an impression of anxiety and weariness, as of a man shouldering heavy [state] responsibilities …   Wikipedia

  • anxiety — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ acute, considerable, deep, great ▪ chronic, constant, nagging ▪ free floating (esp. AmE) …   Collocations dictionary

  • anxiety reaction — noun an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months • Syn: ↑generalized anxiety disorder,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • anxiety — n. (pl. ies) 1 the state of being anxious. 2 concern about an imminent danger, difficulty, etc. 3 (foll. by for, or to + infin.) anxious desire. 4 a thing that causes anxiety (my greatest anxiety is that I shall fall ill). 5 Psychol. a nervous… …   Useful english dictionary

  • generalized anxiety disorder — noun an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months • Syn: ↑GAD, ↑anxiety reaction •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Clomipramine — Systematic (IUPAC) name 3 (3 chloro 10,11 dihydro 5H dibenzo[b,f]azepin 5 yl) N,N dimethylpropan 1 amine Clinical data Trade names …   Wikipedia

  • ease — n. & v. n. 1 absence of difficulty; facility, effortlessness (did it with ease). 2 a freedom or relief from pain, anxiety, or trouble. b freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness. c freedom or relief from constraint or formality. v. 1 tr. relieve …   Useful english dictionary

  • relieve — [ri lēv′] vt. relieved, relieving [ME releven < OFr relever < L relevare, to lift up again < re , again + levare, to raise: see LEVER] 1. a) to ease, lighten, or reduce (pain, anxiety, etc.) b) to free (a person) from pain, discomfort,… …   English World dictionary

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